“Are you a shipwreck or a clipper? Shipwrecks allow the environment to swell, swamp and consume them. Clippers ride out the storm, until blue waters, brilliant sunshine and favourable winds return!”
Daryl Elliott Green
“Don't care what other people think. The people you care about, care about what they think!”
Daryl Elliott Green
“Stubbornness in quantity, has a quality all of its own.”
Daryl Elliott Green
“Plenty of people will tell you what you cannot do. What truly counts. It is what you tell yourself you can do.”
Daryl Elliott Green
“THINK before you DO. DO before you THINK – this is when the police show up!”
Daryl Elliott Green
“I'm not the strongest, I'm not the fastest, I'm not the smartest, but I have a tendency not to give up easily - don't you!”
Daryl Elliott Green
“Pushing people down is easy, amoral and destructive. Lifting people up is challenging, righteous and rewarding for everyone!”
Daryl Elliott Green
“To keep going, never give up and never lose hope. Always have a plan. If you have a plan, you have hope.”
Daryl Elliott Green
“Be a person of action. Thoughts and words alone did not put man on the moon.”
Daryl Elliott Green
“When things really go pear-shaped, learn to appreciate the simple things in life, like chocolate frogs.”
Daryl Elliott Green