We've all had bullets slammed into us, perhaps not physically, but it might have felt like it at the time. Is your organisation dealing with disruption, transformation or change? Could your leaders and team members benefit from a resilience boost to deal with the change?
If your people are feeling stressed and require the mindset, skills and tools to bounce back from the bullets their life or your industry fires at them, prepare to be enthralled by Daryl’s inspiring story. TWICE SHOT talks, programs and workshops are designed specifically to make your teams and leaders bulletproof. Contact us today to talk about how we can help.
From the horrific experience of being ambushed on duty and TWICE SHOT in the face and shoulder, Daryl has learned what most people don't have to learn: how to be resilient in the face of the extreme circumstances.
The legacy of Daryl’s shooting was a harrowing ten year road to recovery despite being honoured with the Queensland Police Service’s highest accolade for bravery, the Valour Award, and a Group Bravery Citation from the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove. His journey was also featured on Australian Story.
Today, Daryl shares powerful life lessons through his TWICE SHOT talks, workshops and programs. He speaks on resilience, courageous conversations, leadership and brave decisions. He also talks passionately – and from personal experience – about mental health and post-traumatic stress. He delivers his life lessons with energy, humour and an optimism that engages with any audience. He is a compelling and authentic speaker who epitomises the capabilities of the human spirit that reside in us all: bravery, courage, resilience.
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In 2018, Daryl was honoured to be announced as a Lifeline Ambassador. He received a humbling letter from Lifeline Australia following his appointment. Daryl’s story of courage and resilience resonates with Lifeline’s key mission of giving hope to thousands of Australians. As Daryl says, if he can come back from the brink, anyone can. Read more and watch the announcement.
Letter from Lifeline
The shooting, involving Daryl and his colleagues, captured the hearts of the nation on Australian Story in an episode entitled 'May Day'. Watch now.
Daryl’s inspiring story is featured in Resilience – Building a Powerful Mindset – a captivating and enlightening book on human resilience and the ability to recover from life’s most challenging hardships.
Learn more

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- 3:50 AM
- 1 MAY 2000
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The morning of the May Day holiday in 2000 brought the horrific news of the Hanbury Street shooting in Queensland. The night before, a neighbour in Hanbury Street had made a triple zero call, reporting threats by a man known as Nigel Parodi, who had a number of guns and “loads and loads of ammo”. Daryl and two other officers arrived at the scene and were seated in a patrol vehicle commencing their investigation, when out of the darkness they were ambushed and shot multiple times at close range.
Book Daryl
To present at your next event
Daryl's story has wide appeal inspiring anyone from corporate audiences to emergency services and people in high stress/high risk work environments. Daryl speaks about resilience, courageous conversations, leadership and brave decisions that bulletproof teams and leaders. He also talks passionately – and from personal experience – about mental health and post-traumatic stress.
I had the pleasure of witnessing Daryl’s presentation at the PTSD forum in Brisbane 2015. It was the short version, but it is easily one of the best presentations I’ve seen – moving and informative, but also very entertaining.
The first thing that struck me was the courage required to re-live that horrific event in order to try and help other people who had suffered similarly. Then there was the mental strength needed to go from a d...
What an incredible man…
Daryl is an authentic and inspiring speaker. He’s an ordinary person who has faced extraordinary circumstances and is passionate about sharing his experience to help others. With a natural gift for storytelling, people connect with him on a head and heart level. Daryl uses his story as the framework for his presentations and draws out salient points that people can relate to in their own lives. He speaks openly and candidly and is always available for...
I was responsible for organising Daryl to speak to our staff
It was an honour to have you speak at the QFES Speaker Series… On behalf of QFES I would like to thank you for taking the time to prepare such an insightful and moving presentation. Your story is a unique and compelling one and the feedback from staff who attended has been tremendous.
Stories like yours have helped to inspire our staff not only to accept and embrace change, but also to champion it when the need is recognised. Your contribut...
He did not lose my attention for a second!
Thank you for the opportunity to attend your launch event and view your inspirational story of resilience and again, congratulations on your Ambassadorship with Lifeline…
I wish you the very best in your new role and the inspiration you offer to those frontline staff who are injured as they work to protect our community every day.
Stories, challenges, opportunities… applied to what we do!
I would firstly like to restate that you are one of the most dynamic speakers I have ever had the privilege of hearing. Your presentation profoundly touched both my heart and my mind.
Daryl shared tactics and skills to help the team get through this evolving time!
I felt I was right there by Daryl’s side through the whole journey – from the shooting, to his hospital bed and through his recovery. His presentation grips the audience as we listen to the live police tapes and see the x-rays of his injuries. It is a unique experience.
It was great to meet you and to have the opportunity to hear your incredible story. From conversations I’ve had I know that conference attendees found your address both confronting and inspirational. You have an important message which needs to be told.
In 2011 I founded a small charity to create more national awareness for Post Traumatic Stress. Shortly after that I met Daryl Elliott Green as we are like minded in this field. I first heard him speak not long after that at a corporate gathering where he was teaching them the value of resilience as it applies in business. Ever since then I have called on Daryl to help spread the word on just what is possible in the face of traumatic adversity whether it...
The 80 participants from the fire brigade, judicial services, regulatory authorities, police, health facilities and the Unfallkasse Berlin (Accident Insurance Berlin) responded to us very positively about your lecture. Because of your very well presented documentation, your description of the processes and your perception, we understood how a person can be affected by a crisis and also what can be done to help them overcome a traumatic event. This allow...
Yours was a powerful and moving presentation, the value of which to me personally and professionally far exceeded that of any other work related forum I have attended for as long as I can remember. Your presentation style was everything it needed to be, and more, for a three hour presentation. It was articulate but relaxed, interspersed with good humour and interaction with the audience. I was absorbed and attentive for the whole time. While I recognise...
I was very impressed with Daryl’s presentation at our sales meeting on Tuesday. He quickly connected with the audience and made the team feel at ease with his unique and natural style. He planned very well and tailored the presentation (which centred around resilience, grit and happiness) to our team’s current situations and the state of play. The pharma industry is one where, frequently, we are privileged to hear many speakers……...
What I would like to highlight as your main contribution of this presentation is, that even though you were the main character of the story, you didn’t leave us with the impression you were trying to make yourself to [be] a hero – on the contrary, you managed to let the important people in your difficult period of life emerge as heroes!
On behalf of the SKM team that attended the workshop yesterday morning, I would like to thank you once again for this remarkable opportunity. Our business worlds may well be very different but the lessons and insights you brought to us, Daryl, are relevant in all sectors. The feedback from the team has been fantastic and each of us has taken something out of your presentation. I know this will enable us to further develop and grow ourselves, our teams a...
…you held the audience spellbound with your excellent delivery. I was amazed that you spoke for three hours without notes yet your presentation flowed seamlessly from topic to topic. There was a lot of discussion around the station after the conference and it was clear to me that your story inspired many people – it makes them appreciate the guts you have shown in meeting and overcoming adversity. You inspire me too Daryl – bringing home to me...
The response to your resilience presentation has been overwhelming, so much so we have had you return three times over the past 9 months. Feedback from each of the sessions has been exceptional, including… ‘I felt humbled and privileged to have had the opportunity to attend. It was a powerful and moving three hour presentation from a truly courageous and resilient man, interspersed with good humour and interaction with the audience. I hope Daryl...